Steven Joseph Voight

 So when I was 12 I met Steve Joseph Voight. At the time he told me he was 17. We had a secret relationship for a while. I would ask to be dropped off downtown at the movie theater and he would come in on the train and we would watch a movie together. 

One evening he convinced me to suck his dick. I remember being uncomfortable and excited at the same time. I had no idea what I was doing. I remember thinking his dick was weird.  It was squeaky and reminded me of soap. 

I know I didn't finish. I don't really remember why.  I know he left early to catch the train. 

The second time I saw him.  I was with Vicky. Steve brought his friend Sandor.  We had gone to the beach. The moon was bright and shining down on the water. 

One day he rode his bike to my house to meet my parents. My dad hated him. Said he would have him arrested if he caught us together.

We did a lot of sneaking around. Mostly we talked on the phone and wrote letters back and forth. 

One night he stole a school bus, and came to my house. I honestly don't remember a lot about this night.  I do remember him threatening to run my sister and her friends over and threatening to kill them. I was crying, I was so angry, and felt so betrayed.

I went into the house and grabbed my dad's service revolver. I aimed it the bus and told him I'd kill him.

Wade(Captain Lowe) called in the school bus incident and waited for my parents to come home. 

Steve was 21. He was arrested. My dad beat the living shit out of me that. Well actually it was 1:30 in the morning.
